Friday, November 7, 2014

Board of Education Vacancy

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools congratulates Board member Mia Burroughs on her recent election to the Orange County Board of Commissioners. She has tendered her resignation as a School Board member effective November 30, 2014. To fill the vacant seat, the Board of Education will appoint a member of the community for the remainder of Ms. Burroughs term, which expires in 2015. Community members interested in applying for this...
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mia Burroughs Elected to Board of County Commissioners

Congratulations are in order for Board member Mia Burroughs. Mia was successful in her bid for election as an Orange County Commissioner. Her position on the Board will be vacated, and we will soon have information available for all who have interest in being appointed to fulfill the remainder of her term. We are proud of you Mia. You will...
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