Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Teacher Appreciation Week

The first week in May is nationally designated as Teacher Appreciation Week. Parents and students at each school are taking great care of their teachers this week. The note below was sent to all staff from Superintendent Tom Forcella.

I always found the hardest part of teaching to be not knowing if my efforts had any lasting impact.

After all, we pour uncountable hours and immeasurable energy into a student for a year, or perhaps even longer, and then wonder if we made any impact – if we prepared that student for success.

It’s not as easy as looking at a spreadsheet. It’s much more than a test score. There is no clear cut bottom line for a teacher’s impact.

Then one day, years later, a former student reaches out to you on Facebook. You bump into the parent of a former student in the grocery store. You read about a former student accomplishing something newsworthy.

And, in that moment, after all those years…you made a difference. More than a difference, you left a legacy!

Thank you teachers, and thank you to our entire CHCCS team, for your impact, for making a difference, for leaving a legacy. I hope you are enjoying Teacher Appreciation Week. All the accolades are well-deserved.

You are the real superheroes.

Tom Forcella