Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Five CHCCS Staff Named Teacher Voice Fellows

The Hope Street Group recently named 26 North Carolina Teacher Voice Fellows. The Fellowship program consists of teachers and coaches who serve as spokespeople for positive change in their profession through connecting with other teachers, and local and national policymakers. Five of these Fellows are members of our CHCCS team: Marlow Artis,...
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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

2016-17 SNAColades

The Special Needs Advisory Council (SNAC) created SNAColades to honor Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools' teachers, staff and administrators who, through their hard work and creativity, make our children's school experience more meaningful. The following have been selected for this recognition based on the testimonials of the Exceptional...
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Last Day of School, June 9 & 2-Hour Early Release / Último día de escuela, 9 de junio, y salida temprana de 2 horas

Last Day of School Has 2-Hour Early Release for Students The last day of school for CHCCS students is Friday, June 9.  Students will be released from school two hours early that day.  Have a safe, restful summer! Los estudiantes salen 2 horas más temprano el último día de escuela El último día de escuela para los estudiantes de...
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Social Workers and UNC

Pictured left to right: Marne Meredith (Ephesus Elementary),Wendy Johnston (Glenwood Elementary) and Melissa Breaden(Pre-K) The Field Education Program of the UNC School of Social Work recently extended its appreciation to Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools for long standing service and commitment to the field of social work and to the...
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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Smith Middle Quiz Bowl Team Represents!

Pictured from left to right:Ariel Shatz, Benjamin Knight, Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford, Sam Klosowski Congratulations are in order for the Smith Middle School Quiz Bowl team which recently returned from the National Championship in Dallas, Texas as one of the top teams in the nation. With 160 teams participating, Smith Middle ended up in...
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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Memorial Day Holiday, May 29 / Día festivo de Conmemoración, 29 de mayo

School and District Offices Closed for Memorial Day Monday, May 29, CHCCS schools and district offices are closed in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.  School will resume as usual and district offices will be open on Tuesday, May 30. Las escuelas y oficinas del distrito están cerradas para el Día de Conmemoración El lunes, 29...
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State Competition Brings Awards for Technology Student Association

Recently, fifty-five students from the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program of Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools competed at the 2017 North Carolina Technology Student Association (TSA) state competition in Greensboro, North Carolina.  TSA chapters from Phillips and McDougle Middle Schools, as well as East Chapel Hill High and...
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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

East Chapel Hill High Captures WRAL Brain Game Championship

We are pleased to announce that a team from East Chapel Hill High has been crowned 2017 Brain Game champions. This WRAL-sponsored contest began with 36 teams. In the opening round, East Chapel Hill High scored 569 points to defeat Northwood (300) and Rolesville (380) to advance to the playoffs, which began in February. East Chapel Hill High...
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Monday, May 15, 2017

All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest Winners Announced

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 4th annual All-High School Fiction and Poetry Contest winners were announced at a reading and ceremony last week at Flyleaf Books. Local resident Chris Kubica is passionate about supporting the art of creative writing in our schools. As President of Application Architects, LLC, Kubica has created an opportunity...
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Saturday, May 13, 2017

CHCCS High Schools Top State Rankings

The annual U.S. News & World Report ranking of the nation's best high schools was recently released. In the state of North Carolina, 16 high schools earned gold medals, 36 earned silver medals. and 90 earned bronze medals. East Chapel Hill High ranked #6 in North Carolina, Chapel Hill High ranked #8, and Carrboro High #9 - all gold medalists....
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Thursday, May 11, 2017

CHCCS Honors Staff at Annual Recognition Reception

Boening Named 2017-18 Teacher of the Year Lauren Boening of Morris Grove Elementary, was named the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) Teacher of the Year at the annual Recognition Reception on May 11 at Carrboro High. Boening is a third grade teacher with seven years of teaching experience.  She holds a bachelor of arts degree...
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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Jonathan Woody - Assistant Principal of the Year

Jonathan Woody of Carrboro Elementary was named Assistant Principal of the Year on Wednesday. Jonathan has been with the school district since 2012, first as an administrative intern, then as assistant principal at Carrboro Elementary. Prior to joining CHCCS, Jonathan was a very successful and sought-after elementary and middle school teacher. He...
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Monday, May 8, 2017

Literacy, Learning and Leadership

The Blue Ribbon Youth Leadership Institute students at Carrboro High and Chapel Hill High became pen pals with students in the Mary Scroggs After School Adventures Program. After School Adventures was created by a Public School Foundation grant awarded to Shelby White and Susan Jullian, designed to assist second grade students with literacy,...
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Thursday, May 4, 2017

School Lunch Superheroes

School Nutrition Employee Appreciation Day is Friday, May 5. Between preparing healthy food, adhering to strict nutrition standards, navigating student food allergies, and offering service with a smile, Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools nutrition professionals have a lot on their plate. To celebrate their hard work and commitment, the School...
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CHCCS Honors Teachers During Teacher Appreciation Week

A Message from Superintendent Pam Baldwin to CHCCS Staff This is the week our nation celebrates educators as part of Teacher Appreciation Week. I wanted to take a minute to thank all of our teachers – and the entire CHCCS nation – for the work you do every day on behalf of our children and families. I have now had an opportunity to visit...
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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Skyping with John Kerry

The following was written on Wednesday, May 3 by James Hopkins, assistant principal at Carrboro High. _____ This afternoon Secretary John Kerry spoke to a room full of students, teachers, parents and other spectators. Teacher Matt Cone spent months emailing Secretary Kerry's office after he agreed to Skype during a conference they both...
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Monday, May 1, 2017

Glenwood Gators Win NC Chinese Speech and Writing Contest

More than 200 students competed in this year's North Carolina Chinese Speech and Writing Contest hosted by the Confucius Institute at North Carolina State University. Glenwood Elementary Dual Language students brought home the hardware. Below is the award list. Speech Contest 1st Place: Angela Seaman (4th grade) Stage Charisma: Ava Ramsey...
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